Holistic Wellth
The best health care is Self Care! Alyssa Carmona, brings awareness about emotions and the body for Growth. She dives into topics to bring information and actions that you can begin to start enhancing your health and emotional wellness NOW. HolisticWellthSa.com
21 episodes
Embracing Change: The Inevitable Path to Growth
Change for the the better or for worse is always occurring. Getting clear on your intention and what you want want to create more of. Book a Coaching Sessionhttp...

Analyzing Your Limited Beliefs
Analyzing Your Limiting Beliefs A belief is nothing more than a feeling of absolute certainty about what something means. Beliefs control our behavior. They can be unconscious or conscious, and they often stem from things we’...

Psychological Meaning of Weight Gain
Mind Body - Excessive Weight, Fat Retention Fat is a form of protectionForm of nourishment Form of survival What danger threatens me if I reach my ideal weight? <...

Food Concepts and Shame
Food Concepts: Ideas around 'healthy' foods, diet and fitness culture Do you have Awareness with acceptance or awareness with guilt and shame? You can start creating a nourishing space within yoursel...
Season 2
Episode 1

Letting Go of Attachments
Letting Go of Attachments brings in more room and flow for what it is you do want. Bring to your awareness what you could possibly be attached to that is no longer enhancing the quality of your life.Liberate your cells by letting go and...
Season 1
Episode 24

The Mirror Principle
The Mirror Principle and its 4 Keys are discussed in great detail. The image you contain about your self and reality is always mirrored back. These are the foundational keys to understand to create change in the subconscious mind to cre...
Season 1
Episode 23

Emotions of Survival
Map of Consciousness Become aware of lower survival emotions. You can slide out of these and not let them consume your body field. Rise up! Surviving to Thriving. Scale of Emotions by Da...
Season 1
Episode 22

Healing Fatty Liver
Fatty Liver Disease is reversible. Balance your body and change your life. Nutrients: CholineVitamin ESaturated Fats Eg...

Weight Management Part 2
Weight Management is possible! Empower your vitality and gain control over your weight today.Part 1 -Metabolism and Weight-Self Limiting Beliefs & WeightPart 2 -Self Esteem & Weight-Movement & Weight<...
Season 1
Episode 11

Weight Management Part 1
Weight Management is possible! Empower your vitality and gain control over your weight today. -Metabolism and Weight-Self Limiting Beliefs & Weight-Self Esteem & Weight -Movement & Weight
Season 1
Episode 10

Surviving Narcissist
Blog: Surviving Narcissist Personalized Flower Essence for emotional Empowerment Emp...
Season 1
Episode 9

Root Cause of Myocarditis
Empowerment starts NOW! Become aware of the emotions creating Dis-Ease. Myocarditis: Conflict with the head and heart. "I am afraid my heart will give out and my heart isn't strong enough" --------------------...
Season 1
Episode 8

Emotional Stress & Suicide
Walk & Talk: Holistic Health Coaches Alyssa and Laurie touch on the latest celebrity suicide "Twitch", Stephen Boss.How emotional repression or also medications can lead to suicidal thoughts and how to make the shift to create chang...
Season 1
Episode 7

Cultivating Self Value
Valuing past losses. Remembering you have Value. As society screams at you “you are not good enough”, can you shield out that voice and value yourself for all that you are in this moment. Step to c...
Season 1
Episode 7

6. You Create Your Reality
You Create Your Reality Stress creates nutrient depletion Epigenetics: is the study of how the environment and other factors can change the way that genes are expressedChallenge: Avoid alcohol,...
Season 1
Episode 6

5. You Can Correct Your Vision with Nathan Oxenfeld
Alyssa speaks with Nathan Oxenfeld - Holistic Vision Educator. We discuss The Bates Method and how Nathan corrected his myopia Eye issues are 90% mental / 10% physical What you can do to start relaxi...

4. The 3 Pillars of Health
1) Eat: Foods that contribute to metabolic health2) Movement: Move daily 10,000 steps3) Shift: Mindset - What are you thinking about? The Inner Smile Vi...
Season 1
Episode 4

3. Tuning Your Biofield with Lara Skadsen
Biofield Tuning is a unique therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field to bring coherence and balance to your body, mind and spirit.Rhythms and patterns of the body’s electrical system ...
Season 1
Episode 3

2. Emotional Conflicts through GNM with Ashlee Newberry
In this episode, Alyssa discusses with Ashlee Newberry what is German New Medicine (GNM) and how it can aid you on your healing journey. Are you over your emotional threshold? Do you recognize it has been scientifically pr...
Season 1
Episode 2

Eat Move Shift Introduction
Take your health back into your own hands. Alyssa Carmona, Holistic Health Coach from Texas, conducts interviews with real people to bring awareness about our food system and holistic approaches to health. She dives into topics to bring informa...
Season 1
Episode 1