Holistic Wellth
The best health care is Self Care! Alyssa Carmona, brings awareness about emotions and the body for Growth. She dives into topics to bring information and actions that you can begin to start enhancing your health and emotional wellness NOW. HolisticWellthSa.com
Holistic Wellth
6. You Create Your Reality
Alyssa Carmona
Season 1
Episode 6
You Create Your Reality
- Stress creates nutrient depletion
- Epigenetics: is the study of how the environment and other factors can change the way that genes are expressed
- Challenge: Avoid alcohol, caffeine, marijuana for 30 days
- Feel into your repressed emotions
- Becoming Aware of false subconscious beliefs
- You are not a victim you are a creator
- The ego creates separation
- Where your intention goes energy flows