Holistic Wellth
The best health care is Self Care! Alyssa Carmona, brings awareness about emotions and the body for Growth. She dives into topics to bring information and actions that you can begin to start enhancing your health and emotional wellness NOW. HolisticWellthSa.com
Holistic Wellth
Psychological Meaning of Weight Gain
Alyssa Carmona
Mind Body - Excessive Weight, Fat Retention
- Fat is a form of protection
- Form of nourishment
- Form of survival
What danger threatens me if I reach my ideal weight?
Am I ready to be seen?
Why might I be afraid of being seen?
What am I afraid of losing?
Abandonment ——> Rediscovery of self
Fear ——> Security
Holding on ———> Letting go/ Surrendering to the new
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