Holistic Wellth
The best health care is Self Care! Alyssa Carmona, brings awareness about emotions and the body for Growth. She dives into topics to bring information and actions that you can begin to start enhancing your health and emotional wellness NOW. HolisticWellthSa.com
Holistic Wellth
5. You Can Correct Your Vision with Nathan Oxenfeld
Alyssa speaks with Nathan Oxenfeld - Holistic Vision Educator.
- We discuss The Bates Method and how Nathan corrected his myopia
- Eye issues are 90% mental / 10% physical
- What you can do to start relaxing your eyes
- Myopia, dry eyes, floaters, refractive errors, presbyopia, hyperopia
- Connect the dots: Bring Awareness to what emotional conflicts you may be under
- Preventative care: Take care of your eyes everyday!
Nathan Oxenfeld's Vision Improvement Book
Give up Your Glasses for Good - Holistic Eye Care for the 21st Century
Work with Nathan
Click Here to learn about the 6 Month Vision Improvement Program.
Click Here to learn about the 6 Week Holistic Vision Program.
Click Here to learn about the Private Vision Lessons.
Kids Computer Eyes Program
Better Eyesight Podcast - August Children's Care
How To Improve Your Child’s Eyesight
Naturally: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide
by Janet Goodrich
Documentary Released!
Vision 2020: From Eyesight to Insight