Holistic Wellth
The best health care is Self Care! Alyssa Carmona, brings awareness about emotions and the body for Growth. She dives into topics to bring information and actions that you can begin to start enhancing your health and emotional wellness NOW. HolisticWellthSa.com
Holistic Wellth
2. Emotional Conflicts through GNM with Ashlee Newberry
In this episode, Alyssa discusses with Ashlee Newberry what is German New Medicine (GNM) and how it can aid you on your healing journey.
Are you over your emotional threshold?
Do you recognize it has been scientifically proven that emotional conflicts play a role in disease?
Alchemy with Ashlee
Join her Free upcoming Acne Master Class Nov 13, 14, 15th
Awareness Alchemy- 3 month/ 6 month coaching
Learning GNM Symptoms A-Z
Eat:The Bioenergetics of Food